Welcome to MyMien
Our Story
Hello Fellow Lifestylers,
We are pleased to introduce MyMien (founded in 2020) - a brand that caters to the unique needs of the urban Canadian woman. Our story below helps you understand how we got started, our goals, and the meanings behind the business, so you can connect and relate to the brand. If you have more questions, please feel free to contact us!
After wanting to start a business for decades, the year 2020 illustrated to us now, more than ever, how important wellness and self-care is to our daily routines. With the challenges and uncertainty that the pandemic has brought, we feel that now is the time for us to utilize the knowledge that we have gained through our own experiences and share it with all women to achieve a common goal: to feel better about ourselves and realize our strengths.
Our Brand
Mood-enhancing accessories and products designed to help women decompress and find balance and peace in their every day.
Movement, reflection, and meditative products that encourage women to reconnect with their body and mind to release and redirect energy and stress.
Authentic, Made in Canada women’s clothing and apparel lines that are sustainably developed and that will enhance women’s confidence, happiness and self-expression.
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Commitment
Our Values
1. Honesty
2. Creating Ease
3. Motivation and Inspiration
4. Timely Delivery
Our Future

Our Name
The 'My' is personalized but Mien is 'a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood'. Put it together and get MyMien - my look or manner.
How do you say it?

We hope that you can become part of this journey and in doing so only have the very best experiences with us. We thank you for supporting our brand and look forward to serving you!